The sports meet for Grade X & XII culminated in a spectacular fashion with a breathtaking display of athleticism, sportsmanship, and teamwork. The air was thick with anticipation and excitement as the participants took to the field to compete against each other.
The energy and enthusiasm of the participants were infectious, and the spectators cheered them on with fervor. The athletes displayed their prowess in each event, impressing everyone with their skill and determination.
There were moments of triumph and moments of disappointment as the results of each event were announced. However, the true spirit of sportsmanship was on full display as the winners congratulated their opponents and the losers graciously accepted their defeat.
The closing ceremony was a fitting end to the sports meet, with awards being presented to the outstanding performers in each category. The atmosphere was electric as the winners received their medals and the runners-up were applauded for their efforts.
In the end, the participants had shown that sports can bring out the best in us and inspire us to achieve our full potential. The sports meet may have come to a close, but the memories and lessons learned will stay with us for a long time to come.
An insightful session on university applications was conducted for grade XII parents by Dr. Neha Singh Maurya. The session covered crucial aspects like application deadlines, transcripts, predicted grades, and letters of recommendation. Parents gained valuable guidance on supporting their children through this important transition. Together, we pave the way for future success!
Dear Sanjay Sir, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to extend my sincere appreciation for Shreyasi Ma’am ( our English teacher grade 8 C) and the incredible work she has done with the students. The notes and additional guidance material she has shared have been exceptionally helpful in enhancing the children’s […]
I would like to express my heartfull gratitude to you for shaping up Viraaj’s overall personality. He has become more confident, less stressed. He started enjoying school and to my surprise he did not have any anxiety for FDP for the first time. You are a wonderful teacher and Viraaj is in the safest hands. […]