Thank you note

Appreciation note

Thank you note

Dear Rima ma’am,

I want to thank you for encouraging Tanishka to come out of her shell this year by making her participate in extra curriculars which interests her. Thanks to your encouragement, she went to two MUNs and she won recognition in both. In Harvard MUN , she got the award for “Legislation“ 

At the beginning of the year, she was a shy child, plus staying at home during covid made her comfortable with being by herself. But as you know, we have seen a lot of change in her this year. This change wouldnt have happened without your help and guidance (to both her and me)

Tanishka is lucky to have you as her teacher this year. I thank you for all that you do and wish you all the very best in all that you do ma’am. 

Best Regards 

Neha Sehgal

(Mom of Tanishka Sehgal class 7B)

Posted By admin in Parent Feedback, on February 15, 2023



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