A proud moment for Scottish High as it makes it to the leader board once again. The School is awarded as the No.1 School in Gurugram and Haryana and No. 2 in the country for exemplary contribution in the field of education by Education Today.
In addition, Ms Sudha Goyal- the School Director is also bestowed with the prestigious ‘Effective Principals’ of the year Award for her dynamic leadership initiatives and vision.
Posted By admin in News, Records & Accolades, on December 17, 2019The Inter-Clan General Knowledge Quiz for Grade X students was a highly engaging and competitive event held at SHIS. The four teams representing their respective clans, each showcased their knowledge across diverse topics such as history, science, current affairs, and literature. The Quiz not only tested their awareness but also encouraged teamwork and quick thinking. […]
Dear Ma’am, Greetings of the day! I would like to take this opportunity to express how happy, elated and speechless we were at the PYP exhibition. It’s was a very proud moment for us to see the children perform and explain to us their views and ideas on the theme. The teachers and students hardwork […]
Dear Ma’am, Greetings of the day! At the onset I would like to mention that we were very impressed with the work done by the students in the Student Led Conference. It shows the amount of hardwork the teachers have put in. I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate the efforts of Ms. […]