Science Bonanza 2016

Science Bonanza 2016

At Scottish High, we place equal importance on all disciplines of learning. We recognize that at the highest levels art is a science and, conversely, science is an art. Last week, Highlanders from classes VI to XII payed homage to the great subject with an organized ‘’. Featuring bright minds from these grades, the students worked through their science classes to create a visual Science experience featuring models, charts, and banners.

Parents were invited to take a tour as their wards enthusiastically explained their work displaying great imagination, confidence, and creativity.

In line with the zeitgeist, some of the highlights were based on non-conventional energy sources with working models for solar cities, home security systems and even a cooling pad for laptops using plastic bottles.

Health and sanitation were also high on the list with a hand sanitizer made from easily available chemicals and the making of a mosquito repellent. A robotics display, a glimpse into the future, makes for a special mention entertaining the audience both young and older alike.

Posted By admin in Happenings, on October 12, 2016



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