Monkey Business 2019

Monkey Business 2019

Monkey Business 2019

Once again it was fireworks at Scottish High as Little Highlanders, or say the new little members of the Highlanders army made their debut at the Monkey Business 2019.

The temperature went soaring as they rocked the stage with their mesmerizing drama ‘The Mesmeric Melody’. Setting the stage on fire with glitz and gloss, mixed with some explosive megawatts of music and dance performances, the Little Highlanders inspired the fleet of parents to get up from their seats and shake a leg. Songs, cultural dance, colorful props and with ‘full of pep’ presence of little masters, it was an interesting fanfare of teamwork and commitment by all.

Adding pride and joy to the show was ‘The Award Ceremony’ that brought a glitterati of achievers and their parents on stage, wielding their triumph with trophies and medals.

One can say that with these convoy of achievers and some highly-inflammable performances by the Highlanders, the show truly managed to sizzle the town!

Posted By admin in Monkey Business, News, on May 13, 2019



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