Inter Clan Tongue Twister Competition 2024

Inter Clan Tongue Twister (7)

Inter Clan Tongue Twister Competition 2024

“A new Language is a new Life.”

Tongue Twister Competition in Scottish High International School

To inculcate the love for a language that opens up new horizons and celebrate multilingualism, Modern Foreign Languages Department conducted Inter Clan Tongue Twister competition in French, German and Spanish language on Monday, July 29, 2024 with flair and fervency. The Highlanders of Grade 6 learning French, German, and Spanish participated with full zeal. They thoroughly enjoyed learning and performing tongue twisters, its pronunciation, and learnt how to spell the words. All the students performed exceptionally well in their respective rounds of the competition. The competition comprised of two rounds:
– Speak the tongue twister in the target language for five times
– They were provided with a tongue twister and were given 5 mins time to understand & prepare it.

They were asked to say it for as many times as they can say in 20 seconds
The competition gave an opportunity to all the learners to become open-minded, cultivate international mindedness and growth mindset in them. These kinds of competitions boost the confidence of our students and give them a good exposure.
Indeed; it was an extravaganza to promote linguistic diversity and cross-cultural knowledge amongst learners in an interesting manner.

Posted By admin in Happenings, News, on July 31, 2024



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