The “Talking Titans” competition for grade VIII took place on 13th November 2024, showcasing a vibrant display of talent, knowledge and creativity. The event featured students dressed as renowned historical and political leaders, embodying the spirit and essence of these influential figures through their speeches and performances.
Participants chose to embody renowned leaders such as Adolf Hitler, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Sarojini Naidu, and various others who have left a significant impact on history and society, presenting their speeches with a blend of passion, authenticity, and precision.
The competition aimed to enhance students’ oratory skills and deepen their appreciation for influential figures in history and politics, while challenging them to engage with powerful rhetoric.
Students were judged on various criteria, including content accuracy, presentation and confidence. Each participant displayed impressive dedication, demonstrating a keen understanding of their selected leader’s words and context, and connecting with the audience in a meaningful way.
Their performances reflected a strong commitment to embodying both the message and spirit of the speeches, making the event both educational and inspiring.
The results of the competition were as follows:
First position: Lamont
Second position: MacArthur
Third position: Anderson
Congratulations to the winners and all participants for their outstanding performances
Posted By admin in Happenings, News, on November 18, 202425th January 2025, Saturday, our Grade 6-8 students took the spotlight during the much anticipated Student-Led Conference! The event showcased their learning journey, growth, and achievements with parents as active participants across all subjects. Students proudly shared their academic work, reflections, and personal goals, giving parents a glimpse into their unique learning journeys. From hands-on science experiments […]
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