Science takes a leap beyond books as Annual Science Exhibition “Scientia Techno Palooza“makes a touch down at Scottish High International School on 22nd July 2017.
At Scottish High, Science is more than a syllabus as the young enthusiastic Highlanders took it to mammoth proportions by showcasing 65 participatory exhibits, constituting various innovative working models and investigation based projects.
The exhibits comprised of an array of eye-catching and attention-grabbing models related to Robotic Surgery, Alternative of Quantum Computer, Coin Dispenser System, Production of Electricity from Micro Organism and Plants, Hydroelectricity, Thirsty Concrete, BioPlastics, Effect of Self on Aging and many other prototypes on Robotics and Astronomy.
No wonder, these Highlanders are showing up to various platforms in the country with their unmatched science acumen and aptitude.
It was a privilege to have Dr. Jyoti Malik Logani, Doctorate from AIIMS, Scientist E, Department of Bio-Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology to inaugurate this watershed moment at the school.
Posted By admin in Happenings, News, Workshops & Excursions, on July 22, 2017On December 3rd, 2024, Scottish High International School hosted an Inter-Clan English Spell Bee Competition for Grade VII. The competition featured spelling, meanings, proverbs, and an object identification round, where participants had to spell the name of an object shown in a picture. It was a neck-and-neck contest, with Clan Lamont securing the highest score, […]
दिनांक ३० नवम्बर २०२४ को स्कॉटिश हाई इंटरनेशनल स्कूल में चिन्मयमिशन द्वारा १५वीं अंतर्विद्यालयी भगवद्गीता श्लोकोच्चारण प्रतियोगिता का सार्थक व सफल आयोजन किया गया। इस प्रतियोगिता में बहुत से विद्यालयों से आए लगभग ४०० विद्यार्थियों ने उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया। सभी विद्यार्थियों का प्रदर्शन सराहनीय रहा । हमारे विद्यालय के अद्वय एयर (कक्षा २) ने द्वितीय […]
An insightful workshop was held for the students of Grade X, XI, and XII at Scottish High International School by Pratisandhi Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to de-stigmatizing sexuality education. The session, led by Ms. Anisha Hallan, Mr. Aryaman Singh, Ms.Riya Srivastava and Mr. Ronit Sharma, aimed to educate and empower students on vital subjects […]