Scottish High held its first ever Model United Nations (SHISMUN) on the weekend of the 20th – 21st of August. With over 400 students from 20 schools across the country, the event was graced by the presence of Mr. Siddarth Nath Singh, BJP National Secretary and spokesperson.
Welcoming the Chief Guest were School Chairman Dr. Cdr. Kartikay Saini and School Director Mrs. Sudha Goyal.
In line with the zeitgeist, terrorism dominated the discourse as student committees debated the issue of terrorism, defined the word ‘terrorist’, reiterated the fact that there was no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ terrorism, just an act of cowardice motivated by fear-mongering and a hunger for power.
The General Assembly at SHISMUN then passed a resolution demanding a permanent seat for India in the United Nations Security Council. The two-day event came to an end with an extravagant closing ceremony where Mrs. Goyal congratulated the organizing committee for their exceptional efforts in putting together a fantastic first edition of a landmark event.
On December 3rd, 2024, Scottish High International School hosted an Inter-Clan English Spell Bee Competition for Grade VII. The competition featured spelling, meanings, proverbs, and an object identification round, where participants had to spell the name of an object shown in a picture. It was a neck-and-neck contest, with Clan Lamont securing the highest score, […]
दिनांक ३० नवम्बर २०२४ को स्कॉटिश हाई इंटरनेशनल स्कूल में चिन्मयमिशन द्वारा १५वीं अंतर्विद्यालयी भगवद्गीता श्लोकोच्चारण प्रतियोगिता का सार्थक व सफल आयोजन किया गया। इस प्रतियोगिता में बहुत से विद्यालयों से आए लगभग ४०० विद्यार्थियों ने उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया। सभी विद्यार्थियों का प्रदर्शन सराहनीय रहा । हमारे विद्यालय के अद्वय एयर (कक्षा २) ने द्वितीय […]
An insightful workshop was held for the students of Grade X, XI, and XII at Scottish High International School by Pratisandhi Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to de-stigmatizing sexuality education. The session, led by Ms. Anisha Hallan, Mr. Aryaman Singh, Ms.Riya Srivastava and Mr. Ronit Sharma, aimed to educate and empower students on vital subjects […]