Gratitude for Ms. Aruna Puri and the Remarkable PYP Exhibition

Gratitude for Ms. Aruna Puri and the Remarkable PYP Exhibition

Dear Ma’am,

Greetings of the day!

I would like to take this opportunity to express how happy, elated and speechless we were at the PYP exhibition. It’s was a very proud moment for us to see the children perform and explain to us their views and ideas on the theme.

The teachers and students hardwork was evident. 

Ms. Aruna Puri spearheaded the entire event and I would like to appreciate the efforts she puts in. She gives individual attention to all children and Kabir always refers to her as a motherly figure in school. As parents that puts us at ease. 

Thank you and regards,

Rachna and Sameer Singh

Proud Scottish High parents of Kabir Singh

Grade 5 C

Posted By admin in Parent Feedback, on February 28, 2025



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