Diksha Toteja

Diksha Toteja

Dear Ma’am

It is my immense pleasure to share the feedback with you on the School Camp.
Azalea was super excited and happy when I picked her up from school after the camp. She has not stopped talking about her experiences starting from singing the songs in the bus, activities at Lohagarh farms, dance in the school and spending the moments with her HRT, other teachers and friends.
It has been such a wonderful and memorable experience for her and its really amazing to see her grow independent, a risk-taker, responsible and confident girl.
I would sincerely like to appreciate and thank Poonam Ma’am for taking care of all the kids and making them feel happy, safe and so comfortable.
Also, a big heartfelt thank you for sending us regular updates on the camp and sharing beautiful pictures with us.

Diksha Toteja
M/O Azalea Toteja
Class- 1-G

Posted By admin in Parent Feedback, on February 29, 2020



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