Every Child is A Buddha
A seminar on “Teach to Reach” reach to each child’s heart, was organized at Scottish High to encourage teachers to explore the positive perspective of reasoning. The seminar’s main objective was to educate teachers on how they can mentor their students to connect to the positive vibrance of energy and kindle positive thinking in their lives.
The session was conducted by Sanjiv Ranjan, a Theta healer, author of the best selling book” Seven Mystical Laws of self-healing’ and the founder of All India Institute of Mind-Body Medicine.
Exemplifying the need to connect to the positive self, the session reflected on different Tools n Techniques like focused breathing, yogic clap, meditation, Om chanting etc. Addressing the large assembly of teachers, Sanjiv Ranjan also emphasized on the need to connect to a child not only at a mental level but to emotional as well as spiritual level. He further shared the sacred meaning of Teach and that is to Transform each.
It was a very informative and enjoyable experience where participants learnt how to use the power of their Subconscious mind.
On December 3rd, 2024, Scottish High International School hosted an Inter-Clan English Spell Bee Competition for Grade VII. The competition featured spelling, meanings, proverbs, and an object identification round, where participants had to spell the name of an object shown in a picture. It was a neck-and-neck contest, with Clan Lamont securing the highest score, […]
दिनांक ३० नवम्बर २०२४ को स्कॉटिश हाई इंटरनेशनल स्कूल में चिन्मयमिशन द्वारा १५वीं अंतर्विद्यालयी भगवद्गीता श्लोकोच्चारण प्रतियोगिता का सार्थक व सफल आयोजन किया गया। इस प्रतियोगिता में बहुत से विद्यालयों से आए लगभग ४०० विद्यार्थियों ने उत्साहपूर्वक भाग लिया। सभी विद्यार्थियों का प्रदर्शन सराहनीय रहा । हमारे विद्यालय के अद्वय एयर (कक्षा २) ने द्वितीय […]
An insightful workshop was held for the students of Grade X, XI, and XII at Scottish High International School by Pratisandhi Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to de-stigmatizing sexuality education. The session, led by Ms. Anisha Hallan, Mr. Aryaman Singh, Ms.Riya Srivastava and Mr. Ronit Sharma, aimed to educate and empower students on vital subjects […]